Friday, July 6, 2007

Top 5 Books I Recommend

Rob Fleming and his colleagues at his record store (of Nick Hornby's High Fidelity) pass their time making "top-five" lists of everything - best elvis song, all time record, best side b hit, etc etc.

They do it so much you can't help being influenced, so here's my Top 5 Books I Spout When Someone Ask Me To Recommend A Book*:

1) The Time Traveler's Wife Audrey Niffenegger
2) Life of Pi Yann Martell
3) The World According To Garp John Irving
4) Norwegian Wood Haruki Murakami
5) I, Poolan Devi (autobiography)

What are yours? Recommend me some!

*All these are titles from my library, so I can recommend and lend them the title. I think these are good books to get non-avid readers interest going, and are also great books for avid-readers to appreciate.


Anonymous said...

The Time Traveller's Wife above the Life of Pi? Blasphemous! Blasphemous I tells ya!

Anonymous said...

actually the only one in the list i've read is life of pi, i did a review in my now-defunct bookblog...

sharkgila said...

Anonymous: Haha I like The Time Traveller's Wife for sentimental reasons (this book kick-started me back into a fulltime reader) so it's staying No1 on my list. Hehe.

simon: nice blog! why did you stop? Yeap Life of Pi is a great book, but there were some people who returned the book half read cause the lost interest wading through the slower first half of the it.

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