Last weekend MPH had a Members Special weekend. Promotions include a 20% discount on all books, and this very interesting Bagful of Knowledge.
Isn't that so cool? I thought so too. What a quirky concept. What was the idea behind the bag? Is it to limit the amount of books you can buy at 70%?
Of course I was itching to go have a look, so we went to MPH Subang Parade. Before buying the bag, I thought to check out the books that qualified for the Bagful of Knowledge promo. Only if there were many good books with such savings would be worth it to get the bag. Was it mainly fiction books? Or business books?
Thank goodness I decided to look for the qualified books first!
After looking through the store for books marked with the Bagful of Knowledge stickers and still not finding any, I asked a store assistant. "You have to buy the bag first." she explained. I told her I wanted to look at the books first so she pointed me to the some bins with a jumble of books. "Only those books in the bin are in this promo."
It was a sad jumble of books in sorry state, bargain type books that nobody usually buys and is usually carted out at warehouse sales in the 70% category. What was the point of the bag in the first place if the books are not good deals at all! They're not even good books!
I feel so cheated. It was not worth the trip to the mall at all. Bagful of Crap, more like.
It was so disappointing that something so beautifully marketed turned out so... lame.